Friday, June 4, 2010

did you feel that earth vibration?

wow another earth vibration. very strong. 1:22am, almost like a buoy being gulped by a large wave in the water, swaying and bouncing. the water energy is interesting. A feeling of being sucked in, like water pulling back. maybe something happening along a coastline, or possibly a large mudslide or an earthquake under water, which could signify a tsunami? many vibes getting my attention for the past 24 hours (written in the comments of the previous post) as i try to keep busy with some artwork and ignore them. while it's interesting to keep track, it's also very bothersome.


  1. 06.05.10... 1:05pm.. medium to strong movement

  2. well theres definitely movement, and earth is constantly shifting... quakes are happenings along with the last few days of storms of rain and tornados... up the whole east coast.

  3. Alot of movement through out the day. Vibrating on the floor, gives me a dizzy feeling.

  4. June 9, 10... 5.7 mag.... Halmahera, Indonesia
