Monday, May 31, 2010

Did you feel the earth vibrate?

8:52pm.. strong vibe as if house gently bounced up and down, and slightly pushing me backwards in my chair - which would force me toward the northwest.

I am going to try logging the more 'moving' vibrations.
8:56pm... another vibrating bounce... and a few more that keep happening ever few seconds. Earth is speaking. Kinda got a violent feeling from it.


  1. 11:31pm... May 31, 2010... Costa Rica 6.1

  2. lots of rumbles in vibrations today, off and on a lot of the day. not sure what to think of it, considering I am trying to be more 'picky' about what I feel when I log. either I am actually feeling more - or I am opening up to much to the earth.

  3. vibrating off and on thru out day, nothing abnormal. feels like someone revving an engine.

  4. VERY strong vibe 8:48pm - different. just the back of my chair, vibrating enough that it made me stop what I was doing. off and on. weird.

  5. 1:03am... another strong vibe, like a pulling from the bottom of my feet - up to fingers when I fussed with a hair barrette. bouncing energy.
