Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Earthquake 6.3 Indian Ridge. Earthquake Predictions...From Stampede of Earth Tremors Passing Through

Yes, it's still happening. Like a stampede of vibes. For the hell of it, I checked the earthquake site to see if we have anything lately to log that was real.

Recent Earthquakes: 1 hour ago6.3
Southeast Indian Ridge UTC SW Austrailia.

Okay, now we're on to something! They are still trembling hard 1:09am. It's rather scary how obvious it is to me right now. I'm guessing the one that I am feeling 'from an hour ago' is passing through this area - and will reach its destination in 3-5 days. wow. let's see if that is what happens.

Minor vibes now 1:13am, light trembling - but not... whoops a strong one. okay, bed time.


  1. 2010-11-11
    Earthquake Magnitude: 5.9 11/11/2010 20:30:00(UTC) Solomon Islands, Bismarck and Solomon

  2. 2010-11-16 07:39:43
    Earthquake Magnitude: 5.9, Papua, Indonesia

  3. 2010-11-16 Magnitude: 5.9 Papua, Indonesia
